Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
088: Job Passion, Proficiency, and Profitability
There are three basic needs that every person has in order for their job to be fulfilling. Of course, you probably have additional ones, but I want to focus on these three basics in today’s episode.
119: Are You Squarely in the Center of Your Passion?
Many people, perhaps most, don’t think of “passion” and “job” in the same sentence. They believe passion is for their family, their significant other, their hobbies. The result? Long, unfulfilling days with little to show for them. Those of us who have aligned our passion with our work are excited and energized to get up in the morning, because our work is a reflection of who we are. What we were put on this earth to do. Today, we’ll talk about some examples of “total eclipses” of passion and careers.
133: Is Now the Perfect Time to Reinvent Your Career?
Today we’re focusing on the idea of career reinvention. We’ll discuss the pros and cons and then which steps may be helpful in this process once you make the decision that this is the right move for you.
138: Skills and Values Employers are Looking For
I came across an article on LiveCareer entitled “14 Skills and Values Employers Seek in Jobseekers,” and I wanted to share it with you. Today we’ll walk through these 14 skills and talk a bit about each.
193: Why You Don't Need to Look for a New Job the Moment You Feel Underchallenged and Overlooked (with Dr. Nicole Tschierske)
My guest this week is Dr. Nicole Tschierske, and we are talking about how to infuse your current position with passion, excitement, and creativity - no matter what is happening in your company, with your boss, or in your personal life. We talk about the “grass is greener” concept that is so prevalent as we come out of the pandemic, how to decide if “hanging in there” a bit longer is the right move for you, and specific action steps you can take to stay motivated, productive, and challenged in your current role.
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