Looking for a new job or want to move up in your company? Lesa teaches you the tools and strategies you need to land your dream job, increase your promotability, and successfully navigate your career.
259: Leveraging a Sabbatical Before Taking on a Bigger Role (with Katrina McGhee)
Today, a return guest – and one of my favorites! Previously, Katrina McGhee was on the podcast to talk about taking a career break. Today, we talk about leveraging a sabbatical before taking on a bigger role. Whether with your current employer or accepting a position with another company, you may need a break before taking on even more responsibility and challenges. Katrina talks about the signs that this break may be more of a need than a want and how to ask for the break. We also talk about re-entry strategies after the break is over.
135: Managing Your Boss's Expectations About Your Job Duties
Many employees would assume that their boss knows exactly what they are already doing, minute by minute. They figure if the boss gave them this responsibility, they should be able to manage it in addition to what they are already doing – otherwise, why would the boss have assigned it? WRONG. Of course, your boss has at least a general idea of what you’re doing, but it is a mistake to assume she knows how full your plate is. Today we’ll be talking about the factors you need to consider when the boss puts a new responsibility on your plate.
137: Five Quick Ways to Get Branded as Unprofessional
Today, we’ll cover my top five ways to quickly become branded as “unprofessional.” I’ve described them as you might talk about someone who is unprofessional and given you some of my real-world experiences with unprofessional behavior.
138: Skills and Values Employers are Looking For
I came across an article on LiveCareer entitled “14 Skills and Values Employers Seek in Jobseekers,” and I wanted to share it with you. Today we’ll walk through these 14 skills and talk a bit about each.
186: 9 High-Impact Ways to Take Responsibility for Your Own Success (with Ed Evarts)
Today my guest is Ed Evarts, author of “Driving Your Career.” We talk about ways to take responsibility for your own career success.
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